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By: Yuki ShojiFace it, we're always hearing about how overweight our society has become and how we should exercise more and eat healthier foods, such as fruits and vegetables, but nobody ever bothers to tell us exactly which healthy foods we should eat or how much of them we should eat. Thus, the challenge of making the leap to a healthy lifestyle becomes a daunting task before we even attempt it, so it's no wonder most of our society is still overweight.
To better help clear up confusion, the following is a list of general healthy foods and their quantities to help you begin eating healthier.
Important Foods for a Healthy Diet #1 Whole grains
In order to make sure you're eating enough whole grains in your diet you should eat at least six ounces. However, you can eat more if you combine your diet with an exercise program. Foods you can eat which will provide you with whole grain nutrients include cereal, pasta and bread.
Important Foods for a Healthy Diet #2 Vegetables
There's really no limit on the amount of vegetables you can eat in a day. However, you should eat a minimum of two and a half cups everyday. As far as which ones you should eat goes, you should attempt to mix and match everyday. Eating a variety of vegetables ensures that you're getting a healthy dose of the nutrients that each vegetable type provides.
Important Foods for a Healthy Diet #3 Fruits
Just like vegetables, there is really no limit on the amount of fruit you can eat every day; however, you should eat a minimum of two cups per day. Again, like vegetables, make sure to mix and match the types of fruit you eat each day in order to fully benefit from the many different nutrients fruit offers.
Important Foods for a Healthy Diet #4 Milk
Drinking milk, combined with a regular workout regimen, has been scientifically proven to help promote weight loss. You should attempt to drink at least thee cups per day. However, avoid drinking whole milk and stick to low fat or non fat milk to avoid getting too many calories in your diet. If milk is not your forte, you can also opt to get your recommended dairy in the form of yogurt. Again, either low fat or non fat. Whichever way you choose to get it, just make sure and get it. Dairy provides a good source of calcium which is important to living a healthy lifestyle.
Follow these guidelines and you will be able to rest comfortably knowing that you're eating healthier than the majority of the people in this country. Be sure to try and avoid foods such as margarine, butter and lard, which you might use for cooking or adding flavor to food. Eating too much of these can negate the effects you'r trying to achieve from a healthy lifestyle.
So there you have it, a small blue print for eating healthy. Don't put it off any longer. Everyday that you do could be a day that you are looking better and adding extra years to your life span.
About the Author: Yuki Shoji offers a *free Report on "How you can look & stay attractive by eating foods". Go Here And Claim Your copy now at EatandLookGood.com
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