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Workout Balls Get Results

By: Brooks Donner

Workout balls, also known as exercise balls, have been around for a number of years. They used to be only used by exercise gurus and fitness experts, but today you can find these workout balls in practically every professional gym and in many home gyms.

The exciting thing about using a ball is that there are so many different exercises from which to choose. In addition to becoming stronger and better toned, the workout ball is also great for weight loss in the exercises done help burn calories. Try some of these proven exercise ball methods. Just like almost everything else in life, you will achieve your workout goals by using the exercise ball with discipline and consistency. You can find a long list of great exercises specific to the ball online!

Crunches and Twists

For toning the stomach muscles, these are the best exercises. In addition, crunches and twists will help with better posture while doing the various bends. Because there is quite a bit of muscle movement while taking advantage of this, you will see faster results as far as building up a rock-hard stomach and a four-pack or six-pack.

Start by laying on the exercise ball with your feet about twelve inches away from the ball in order to maintain your balance. Then, lean back and place the middle of the back so it is directly on the workout ball. Put your fingers on your forehead and perform crunches slowly and twist when you reach the seated position. Return to the original position and start over, doing two sets, each of eight repetitions.

Sit Around

Another great option for ball exercises specifically for beginners is called the Sit Around. This simply sitting on the ball while moving around in small increments. The goal here is to slowly start using new muscles and stretching but to also help you learn the balance required for more difficult exercises.


With ball exercises, you can also do pushups. In order to gain balance, simply place your hands in the center of a small ball. From there, simply do regular pushups. This requires a little patience to learn but the results will be much greater than doing regular floor pushups.

Bicep Curls

Finally, even sitting on the workout ball and doing bicep curls is a great way to benefit the back and abs too. While doing curls, you have to maintain proper balance, which works many areas of the body.

Get more exercise information immediately! This article is from one of the top exercise information websites on the Web today at http://www.exercise-expert.com

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